Top of the day & highest vibrations all!
It’s your girl Ti3rc3 and I want to check in during this season of transformation - yes you heard me right TRANSFORMATION. Whenever this message find you is the time this energy is ready to align with you.
As my ears ring (the left one) I am drawn to give an energetic forecast of what you may be experiencing. Depending on the timeline you connect I will define the energy by the day of the week.. Brace yourselves because the channeling is beginning:
This starts on February 14,2025 but as I said if it resonates in another timeline that is acceptable as well.
FRIDAY: The theme around this day is all about the universal love activating within you. Love can be thought of in the sense of romance but if you are alone today than that is very telling that a deeper love is awakening to you. You are building something powerful that is going to bring you stability materially and financially and you will be able to touch it within the next 3 months. Remain grounded in the confidence boost you are experiencing and let it lead you to your destiny-tion (haha get it?) You are defeating old outlines of you mind and this is due to the Source energy within you ready to claim what’s rightfully yours. A rebirth is taking place, stay tuned.
SATURDAY: You gave enough, you did enough, you ARE enough. When it comes to your dreams it is officially time. You are the embodiment of Source, now it’s time to move with all the accolades you have yet to receive in the physical realm but now you have acquired it in the spiritual realm. Your hard work did not go in vain and yes the pain of the past may resurface today but it is simply making room to clear for the new passions Source energy is ready to explore. The endeavor you take on today will reap benefits in June 2025, just allow yourself logic and emotional intelligence when choosing who to collaborate with as their intentions may not be completely aligned with yours. Take part in something you are comfortable with doing alone if the opportunity occurs and affirm the very best throughout the process.
SUNDAY: Whether you want to or not you are to be seen for all the divine you truly are. Source is channeling through you more potently today as you fearlessly address the parts of you that you have been trying to hide your whole life. You are all that and a bag of divine and it’s time the world knows. Your intuition is leading you to your greatest portion of abundance yet. Many opportunities will attract to you but choose the one that resonates with your unfinished business in the past as this is the year of completion. You have until a stormy day appears to finalize your decision. The lightning will be a representation of the change taking place by Source.
MONDAY: You are in this world indeed, but not of it. Do not allow the expressions of the universe to enter and shift your frequency. You are divine no matter the obstacle. Your self esteem will be a target today as that past heartbreak/ betrayal resurfaces again. The key to overcoming it is to give yourself the flowers you deserve. Protect your energy as someone may be reaching out due to their unhealed connection with you - but you have surely healed. You gave this person hope and optimism in a time they had none but they took it for granted - their arrival is due to the shine you have going on from within. Mosquitoes flocking to that Source.
TUESDAY: Ok the coast is clear and its full speed ahead! Creativity is pouring out of you and Source wants you to put it to good use. Whatever you are guided to do today the best advice is to “do it”. This action will bear fruit on a hot day. Passion is picking up due to the release of an old outline of you. You are becoming more comfortable in releasing what you once knew to make space for what you know yourself to be worthy of. Remember you are in control and no one can dictate how you feel. Move graciously but unapologetically as well.
WEDNESDAY: A grand finale. You will feel called to go within. To remain silent among those you once resonated with. Your newest beginning really requires detachment from what you once knew. The good news is that your newest path is revealing itself as the moon settles. You finally answered the call to step into a role of leadership and it is the reason for the swift change. Be mindful that you will find a new beginning when it comes to matters of the heart but do not allow it to throw you off your balance as well. When a soulmate attracts to you allow yourself to take the energy in calmly and don’t be swooned by the accelerated energy that comes with it. This energy can bring great benefit for you in the next 2 years if digested wisely.
THURSDAY: It’s time to remember and harness your dreams. Take the time to sit still in a moment of nothingness to find the strength of your ancient memory. Release the energy that is not yours so you can dwell fully in your Source energy. Not only are your divine gifts activating today but your intuition has so much to tell you. It’s time for an annual Source one-on-one. Within two weeks the upgrade will be complete. Headaches are normal during this time of third eye activation and eating a high vibrational meal will ease the frequency shift as well. I will not speak in depth of what is to come but overstand that your destiny is taking control of your path and you are protected as you stand in your divine truth.
Wow, I’m sure this was a lot to take in but let’s see what comes. Connect even more on your journey at or check us out on tiktok @informalmatters777 or YouTube @Ti3rc3.
Until next alignment, Namaste.