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Informal Matters 777

An Imperial Start

An Imperial Start

Regular price $71.00 AUD
Regular price $89.00 AUD Sale price $71.00 AUD
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Ever witnessed yourself changing via Source energy within but still among others and an environment that hold you to the outline you once were still?

That is ok as it is completely normal for others to fail to see your growth when they don’t overstand the gift of being in your frequency shifting presence. The thing is that though you changed the environment still has the energetic signature of what you provided the longest of your time there.

But hey instead of packing our bags and leaving due to your own obligations how about we shift the energy in your favor instead? 

Made with imperial jasper and white jade An Imperial Start allows for you to embody a fresh new perspective that shifts those connected to you in your environment as well. Not only does it shift the perspective but it allows you to purge out the energetic imprint that no longer resonates with you so it may release and make room for others to witness new refreshing energy as well💫

So instead of deciding to leave town because no one gets you go ahead and get your newest crystal tool and rock out in its style as you embark on some real, new, fresh energy.


This piece is a masculine piece but still available for the feminine the size chart explains the correlation of what size in masculine should suit you. Ex: Masculine Small = Feminine Average

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